Production localization

After the planned tests, LLC «CVM „Arkon“ started serial production of tools from hard-alloy blanks of the Russian manufacturer LLC „Virial“.
The domestic alloy has shown itself effectively in production of twist drills and milling cutters, especially of 10-20 mm diameters for universal purposes.
Since 16.03.2021 the changes in the cataloguing system of LLC «TSVM „Arkon“ with introduction of differences of laser marking of tools have been made:
- tools from imported raw materials — a sign «Y» is added at the end of the marking;
- Tools made of Russian raw materials — without «Y» sign.
The cutting tools ARCONIT, produced from Russian hard-alloy blanks, are included since 01.04.2021 in GISP of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the application was submitted for inclusion of LLC «CVM „Arcon“ in the register of the Russian manufacturers.