Results of the outgoing year

The year 2020 is coming to an end — it's time to take stock.
Throughout this difficult year (it's a cliché, but isn't it?), we have been developing, manufacturing, and restoring tools. And first of all we thank you — our colleagues, customers and suppliers.
Thank you for your trust, for your cooperation, for your interesting projects, for your development opportunities. Without you it would be impossible to improve our service, products and us as a team:
- made and restored more than 60,000 units of tools in 2020;
- more than 10 deliveries under the State Defense Order;
- Improved and reworked production technology for 3 series of our tools;
- We have significantly expanded our delivery geography and presence in other regions.
Today we are striving for something more than mere tool supply. Our goal is to establish long-term and mutually beneficial relations with you, to improve the quality of our solutions.
We congratulate you on a coming New Year and sincerely wish you — let the new year for you will be at least a little easier, more interesting and stable than the ending one.
Sincerely, Igor D. Gainullin, Director of LLC «IVM „Arkon“.